Amaxing Info

Information that like every traveler you must have at hand for your stay in 🇲🇽

White paper

White paper

Describe the new functionalities

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Police can help you

Police can help you

In the most touristic areas of Mexico City you can find police officers who can help you with confidence

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Emergency Phones

Emergency Phones

If you present any unexpected, one never knows, these are the emergency telephones.

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Tourist information by the Government of Mexico city

Tourist information by the Government of Mexico city

It contains information from the official channels of Mexico city.

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Most Dangerous Zones in Mexico City

Most Dangerous Zones in Mexico City

It contains information related with the zones don't visit at the city

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What to do in an earthquake

What to do in an earthquake

It contains information related with the zones don't visit at the city

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FAQs in spanish

FAQs in spanish

The main phrases used in spanish.

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