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Independence day


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This date is commemorated year after year

because it was when the priest Hidalgo on the night of September 15 shouts for the beginning of the War of Independence of Mexico, in what is currently the city of Dolores Hidalgo, in the year of 1810. It is an important date for us Mexicans because it represents freedom against submission and slavery by the Spanish crown of those years.

September 15

As part of the tradition, in the municipal palaces of each town or city of the country, the governor reiterates the cry of independence, recalling the freedom that our heroes gave us.

As far as Mexico City denotes, in the main monuments and icons of the city there is a shout and after this there are concerts of Mexican popular music artists as part of the celebrations.

The President of the Republic gives the commemorative cry in what was the old house of Hernan Cortes, and a great artist is presented on stage so that Mexicans celebrate one more year. It is common for Mexicans to wear our major allusive clothes to Mexico or the colors of the flag, as well as paint our faces with green, white and red colors.

Regarding Mexican homes, tradition dictates to dinner Pozole or Chiles en Nogada in most cases, but it is common to see mole or Cochinita pibil, all options are delicious. For drinks you shouldn’t miss the tequila or mezcal with its good lemon or oranges and salt. If we want to see ourselves more ostentatious, a worm salt (ground maguey worm mixed with salt and lemon).

Options for foreigners

  • To delight national celebrations, you can go near where the celebrations will be, since there are street food or restaurants with the menu described above, just be careful with your belongings because there are too many people through the streets.
  • Another great option is the restaurants that have terrace towards the Zocalo of Mexico City, and they may speak English.
  • Failing that, you can dine through the streets of the Roma or Countess neighborhood, where there will also be a super environment.

Sep 16

After the great celebration, on the plate of the Zocalo of Mexico City the great military parade of the Mexican army is shown with a sample of the different teams, weapons and personnel that we have in case of any war.

It is a beautiful event thanks to the fact that it is a parade that also takes year after year and the example of freedom, and our civic values is reinforced.

In the parade you can see the different branches of the army, war planes, riders, etc. The parade began by decree of the first president of Mexico, Guadalupe Victoria, in the year of 1825, was suspended in different periods for the different conflicts and interventions that Mexico had, as was the case of the Mexican Revolution. If you feel very bad after the drunkenness, you can see the parade for the public television channels of Mexico in Spanish.

Photo Credits

Pozole rojo a mi estilo (2019) by Cookpad

De mulli a mole, la historia de un platillo tradicional mexicano by México Desconocido

Cochinita pibil (2019) by Recetas Nestlé

¿Por qué el mezcal sabe mejor cuando se acompaña con sal de gusano? by Viaja Bonito


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